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Matsumoku Greco HH



This Matsumoku built white 1973 Greco SE-500 arrived in a fantastic condition - it had obviously been loved and cherished. Unusually, it was sporting a humbucker in the neck position with a little mini-switch to access a single coil sound. Having already been routed for one humbucker, and having a pair of new DiMarzios in the drawer, I did a little more routing and mounted them in a new plate. The tremolo routing had also been extended for a replacement unit, although the original one was present on delivery. The original finish was so nice, I complemented it with a shiny new Gotoh vintage style unit. The blocks on these Gotoh tremolos never fail to provide a glorious sustain and harmonic ring and this encouraged me to get a little creative with the wiring and tone options for this guitar. Keith and I used to talk about piezo pick-ups for electric guitars and often found ourselves with a Graphtech basket full of technology, only to bottle out at the check-out page - the cost had got ridiculous. And we don't like batteries in guitars unless absolutely necessary. We didn't want the electric guitar to sound like an acoustic - we had a room full of amazing acoustics - we just wanted that "sparkle"; that high frequency accompaniment to the guitars inherent tones. We just needed to hammer a Fender Mustang over a Strat somehow. The Mustang reverse phase tones are interesting but more often than not useless in a serious delivery requirement. Time to experiment... The second tone control is now replaced with a 6-position chicken-head. This is NOT a Vari-tone - no rats nest of capacitors and resistors here - just regular wire to configure the coils of the DiMarzio Air Norton in every possible way. Both individual coils can be voiced, they can be voiced together in series or parallel, and in phase or reverse phased. 6 tones in all - 4 that stand on their own as viable tones, an the reverse phase tones that are there to work together with the bridge humbucker. The Master Volume knob is a push pull that configures the Gravity Storm bridge humbucker in series as a regular humbucker when pushed down, and into parallel when pulled up. 2 distinct and characterful tones on their own - the parallel setting is our chosen alternative to the traditional coil split which more often than not does not complement the humbucker at all, and doesn't have the teeth of a regular Strat unit - certainly not the ones we use! In parallel, the tone is full of bite, but loses the compression that humbuckers deliver.

Combining these two pick-ups together offers a myriad of tones as each individual pick-up is configured differently. This is where the reverse phase neck pick-up settings get really interesting and rather than a word-soup of subjective terms, just have a listen to the demo. The Master Tone knob is also a push pull that configures the 2 pick-ups into series with each other regardless of how they are individually configured. The pick-up selector needs to be in the neck position to enable this function - life starts at the neck pick-up with ut!!. Making them operate in series essentially turns them into one pick-up. This function delivers a whole new palette of tones - again, I urge you to persist with the full demo to hear how this sounds as no-one will take me seriously if I start talking about filtertron tones on your DiMarzio equipped Strat... I appreciate that there are many guitarists out there who worship simplicity and tradition - we love this too, but we just can't stop experimenting and trying things out with the condition that we don't fill the scratchplate with more knobs, buttons and switches. If you are a guitarist that feels that the capability of the guitar is important to the creativity and that different tones encourage a different sense of how you play or write, this is aimed squarely at you. The controls do require a fair amount of familiarisation, but I still think this is easier than a Jaguar, and there is a lot more in the drawer to play with. If you fancy the versatility and design philosophy here, but want a different style of guitar, or a different colour etc, we can repeat this basic specification in a Les Paul style guitar, or any other style of Strat - our stock of worthy MIJ donors is quite comprehensive, and we can quickly find the donor instrument of your choice. Or upgrade your own guitar - just talk to us.
The Look

Possibly unique to see 2 humbuckers on a 1973 Greco SE-500. Original white finish - totally timeless in all other apsects


All original apart from our little decal


Sublime 1973 Harayama 5 piece - full C and as comfortable as they get.


A DiMarzio Air Norton at the neck and a Gravity Storm at the bridge


Brand new Gotoh GE-102 in Chrome for the vintage look and feel


Master volume with CTS push pull for bridge humbucker control, Master tone with CTS push pull for parallel / series option, and a chicken head to control the neck humbucker. CRL 3-way pick-up selector.

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