This is a beautiful place - the gardens are fantastic and beezer larks are had by a regular enthusiastic gardening club on Wednesdays. I had a real good explore, but I failed to find a lemon tree, which is a pre-requisite for a proper introduction to this extra-special VVIP visitor to KettHall. I have just ordered some super fancy Nanowebs and the probably permanent single 0.18 and 0.26 strings that will sit in the drawer will serve as a probably permanent reminder that this onliest, sui generis instrument once graced our presence.
Even the Rose Morris Rickie and the Roman Scorpion take on a slightly jealous demeanour in its presence.

Rich, sorry I couldn't find a lemon tree to showcase a teaser for the hopefully forthcoming fun we can have writing about this, and forgive my limitation of a giant magnolia plant; but just know that it brings a permanent smile to my face every time I walk into the studio...