1980 Aria Stagecaster ST-500L
We have one remaining lefty in stock here. This is a very rare model - left handers are few and far between. With its original tobacco-burst finish, and its VIN-54 pick-ups, this is already a fine guitar. We are stocking this as a donor for a DreamBuild upgrade, but would be happy to let it go as it is for the person who falls for its charms.
As it is left-handed, the headstock decals are limited in what they tell us, but had this been right handed, it would have said Strikin’ Sound - the mid-range version that for a 20% price hike, could be offered in left handed orientation.
We recently completed a DreamBuild based on an identical model - they are perfect donors for refinishing, and for hardware and electrical re-specification - keeping their vintage feel yet performing so much better than the established branded alternatives.
We have given this ST-500L a slight makeover with a new black scratchplate, FS-1 DiMarzios from an ST-600D, and a good set-up, but the potential is here to go further and modernize its delivery.
We can part with D800383 in its current specification for £725, but this is the ideal opportunity for a left handed player to get a maple neck Strat style guitar to sound and play precisely how they wish. The original finish on this guitar is remarkably nice, but a refinish is also feasible.
1980 Aria Stagecaster ST-500L
Perfect quality donor for a left handed Dreambuild.