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Based on a 1974 Greco SE-600, this is another immense specification upgrade using the most indulgent parts and components that make sense in order to look like a Strat, sound like a Strat, but handle foolish amounts of gain for one song, and spacey modulated clean for the next, and have a huge flexible array of tones to easily dial in.


Even though the specification may look complex, and is difficult to explain in less than 20 minutes, the actual control philosophy is easy to adapt to. The 5 way switch does what you would expect; the lower tone control will get you from single coil chime to full on hot-rail style humbucker - treble focussed with the knob down, and bass focussed with the knob pulled up. The really interesting tones emanate from that S-1 switch which will likely have you using that middle pick-up more than most. Pressing the switch will deliver a tone you won't hear on a regular Strat - the two rails will run in parallel and provide a crystal clear tone that cuts through without any shrill spikiness, or dominating bass. In conjunction with the pick-ups either side of it, you will find a huge array of parallel tones that don't disappear in a band mix like positions 2 and 4 sometimes can.


There is a huge palette of tones to dial up and all with the standard switch arrangements - no hunting for mini-switches and making sure it is the right one. The master tone will work on the bridge pick-up as it will the other 2 but you may find yourself using the gradual coil split to define the bass / treble balance instead of just removing higher frequencies. The coil being cut never fully leaves the circuit - just enough remains in play to keep hum at bay but remove all the compression from the full series humbucker.


Häussel was selected over the more familiar Seymour Duncan and DiMarzio options as we wanted some character beyond full-on power and shred. These pick-ups work very well clean, and many mega-bucks boutique luthiers around the world choose Harry Häussel for a reason. Phenomenally expensive, but sometimes, only the best will do. These are handmade by the man himself for the guitar in question.


The revised configuration will undoubtedly take some time for familiarization, but it is unlikely that this familiarization exercise will be a chore – these Matsumoku built Grecos are an absolute dream to play. The more you explore, the more you find, and the more you can be inspired.

This is a celebration of detail, quality and versatility. From the precision engineering offered by Gotoh 510 Tremolo, to the positioning of the rails on the bridge pick-up to follow the string line, this guitar is the ultimate work-horse.


Oh yes, and the scratchplate - so subtle I nearly forgot. The SE-600 in 1974 was a real attempt to out-Fender Fender, and now this has jumbo frets to go with its large headstock, this thing just screams 1974. So it received a frilly collar, 19 inch bell-bottoms and Bold as Love and Disraeli Gears albums under its arm. Peace man...


The guitar will come in a period correct Greco fitted hard case.

Matsumoku SP-600 Psychedelic

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