Hohner B2A
Free Consultation
Pick-up Upgrade

A very good friend and Matsumoku client has been spoilt by having Qtuner pick-ups in a spectacular 6 string bass - after Qtuner sounds, most other basses sound flat and soulless. Lugging that 6 stringer around everywhere isn't always appropriate and he presented us with a mid-80s Hohner headless that serves as the workaday instrument. B2A basses have that active boost which is great, but passively, the Select by EMG pick-ups are not great. They make a sound, but not a particularly pleasant and useful one if you don't need the presence and power of the active circuit. Qtuner have long gone unfortunately, so we drew up a shortlist of characterful appropriate sized pick-ups and discussed the implications with the owner. In the running was Lace Alumitone, the obvious EMG, and a left-field choice I had stumbled upon while down a few rabbit holes. Near the harbour in Coney Island, NYC, is a chap called David, and he will happily produce a set of neodymium guitar humbucker sized bass pick-ups when asked. No more discussion required! These are not the first units he has produced - many Steinberger owners have swapped out the EMGs for his products. He doesn't shout about it - maybe he ought to!
We joined a small queue and waited with baited breath. At this point I would like extend my immense gratitude to and respect for David who delivered this order despite enduring the worst possible calamity imaginable at the start of the build. Thanks David.
The results are outstanding - in passive mode there is power, clarity, dynamics - the lot. Boosting this with the active circuit is almost unnecessary, but adds a new dimension. Can all this sound be coming from this tiny box? No wonder EMGs got swapped out for these.
This is phase one for this Hohner - we have even more plans for it: watch this space...