Squier Vintage Stratocaster
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This Squier is either a 1983 or a 1989 SST50 - a model that had been on a bucket list for its owner for a while. As normal, when an example of a rarity comes along locally, it is likely to require a bit of work. These Squiers were built to vastly different standards to later versions - and they were built to last busy gigging lives. The owner is a celebrated blues player (amongst virtually every other style too) and likes to "dig in" as he calls it. After a good session trying out a variety of different fret-types on similar necks from our stock, we eventually chose a set of Jescar 45100 frets to achieve a vintage Gibson feel. Sacrilege on a Strat? Not at all - many 70's Strats were upgraded to this spec, and it was quite normal for busy musicians to have 2 Strats on stage - one skinny, one fat. These frets are finished to allow a slightly enhanced height at the top edge - every player has a style and preference, and this is what we always aim to deliver.

This guitar (albeit reunited with its Tobaccoburst body) will soon be heard plying its trade on Norfolk's busy circuit, and I expect will make some appearances on future albums the owner records.